Saturday, July 26, 2008

Inspiring video

The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams by Dr. Randy Pausch

Very touching and full of sound advice. In it Dr. Pausch talks about 'Brick Walls' and Karma. This is a perfect way to think about the positive aspects of Saturn - the Karmic Taskmaster - the planet of responsiblity, duty and form.

Update - I had some more thoughts while pondering this video in the pool. Today is Saturday, the day ruled by Saturn. Next, this video is by a father who is dying, to give advice to his children on life. Saturn can represent the father, and responsibility and duty are traits associated with Saturn. Saturn is also known as the greater malific - and the ancient astrologers always dreaded it - for they thought it brought bad things. And Dr. Pausch did have cancer. He died yesterday.

RIP Randy - you left the world a better place for your being in it.

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